Week 6: Breathwork For Health and Peri/Menopause Self-Care - Breathwork from a Yoga Perspective

Time & Date: 13 March, at 12:00pm

In our hectic lives and as we experience a variety of peri/menopause symptoms, we often experience stress, anxiety, feel tense and even overwhelmed. We instinctively know that taking a deep breath will help us to calm down. But there is more to breathing than meets the eye.

Breathing is essential to all aspects of our health and wellbeing – from brain-care (20% of our oxygen intake is consumed by our brain to function well) to cleansing our bodies (70% of the waste products generated by our metabolism is expelled through our breath).

Our breath is the key bridge linking mind and body, scientifically proven to be the most important neuro-hacking tool, enabling us to change our emotional, mental and physical state of being in a matter of minutes from

  • Stress to Calm
  • Anxious to Resilient
  • Distracted to Focused
  • Overwhelm to Clarity of Mind
  • Fatigued to Energised
  • Reacting to Responding

In this course, you will learn two main aspects of Breathing

  • How to breathe correctly and efficiently, which is essential to maintain a healthy body and mind, and
  • How to use Breathwork to manage and alleviate the symptoms associated with peri/menopause.

What to expect from weekly live sessions?

In every session, you will learn and experience new breathwork technique and practices with Melike, helping you take charge different aspects of your health and wellbeing.

At the end of each session, Melike will share with you her recommendations for your daily self-practice (until the next session), allowing you to consolidate your learning and start to see optimum benefits from these breathwork technique and practices.

Week 6: How To Sleep Well

Do you struggle to fall asleep? Do you wake up at night and unable to go back to sleep again? Do you feel tired in the morning? Do you wish to sleep better waking up refreshed and fully motivated to take on the day.

Most of us assume that sleep happens automatically – something that your body just do it at night. Unfortunately it is not the case.

Join us in Week 6, as Melike will share the science behind what makes us sleep well as well as sharing a Breathwork practice designed to help you balance your nervous system and calm your busy mind, removing a major obstacle to slumber.

Add to Calendar 2022-03-13 12:00:00 2022-03-13 13:00:00 Harley Street At Home Europe/London Week 6: Breathwork For Health and Peri/Menopause Self-Care - Breathwork from a Yoga Perspective

In our hectic lives and as we experience a variety of peri/menopause symptoms, we often experience stress, anxiety, feel tense and even overwhelmed. We instinctively know that taking a deep breath will help us to calm down. But there is more to breathing than meets the eye.

Breathing is essential to all aspects of our health and wellbeing – from brain-care (20% of our oxygen intake is consumed by our brain to function well) to cleansing our bodies (70% of the waste products generated by our metabolism is expelled through our breath).

Our breath is the key bridge linking mind and body, scientifically proven to be the most important neuro-hacking tool, enabling us to change our emotional, mental and physical state of being in a matter of minutes from

  • Stress to Calm
  • Anxious to Resilient
  • Distracted to Focused
  • Overwhelm to Clarity of Mind
  • Fatigued to Energised
  • Reacting to Responding

In this course, you will learn two main aspects of Breathing

  • How to breathe correctly and efficiently, which is essential to maintain a healthy body and mind, and
  • How to use Breathwork to manage and alleviate the symptoms associated with peri/menopause.

What to expect from weekly live sessions?

In every session, you will learn and experience new breathwork technique and practices with Melike, helping you take charge different aspects of your health and wellbeing.

At the end of each session, Melike will share with you her recommendations for your daily self-practice (until the next session), allowing you to consolidate your learning and start to see optimum benefits from these breathwork technique and practices.

Week 6: How To Sleep Well

Do you struggle to fall asleep? Do you wake up at night and unable to go back to sleep again? Do you feel tired in the morning? Do you wish to sleep better waking up refreshed and fully motivated to take on the day.

Most of us assume that sleep happens automatically – something that your body just do it at night. Unfortunately it is not the case.

Join us in Week 6, as Melike will share the science behind what makes us sleep well as well as sharing a Breathwork practice designed to help you balance your nervous system and calm your busy mind, removing a major obstacle to slumber.
